Poetry is an expression of connectedness. Each word envelops a sense of self and narrative, capturing raw emotions and ideas that the author wishes to convey. Through poetry, we connect with our innermost thoughts and share our unique perspectives with the world.

falling to rise
by r.jarman
if you would
but notice
the gift, inherent in your despair,
the noticing, of your being caught,
even as you fell,
stuck as you are in this,
the deepest of pits
where the muddy clay beneath your feet
attests with compassion
that you have,
further yet to sink
the wall of unyielding rock at your back
that makes the way back impossible
with a granite finality,
whose sharp edges nudge you forward,
and pierce in to you
even as you tarry.
the impassable maze ahead,
a patient reminder that says you cannot
blindly fight your way
forward anymore,
except to end up,
where you started,
the way, both left and right,
pressed in tight
with no freedom left you to struggle.
the only way
is to rise.

The Bridge
by Heather Pinel
Looking down, the boards are rough & uneven. Too easy to trip and fall.
Look ahead, the path looks sturdy & strong
But in fact, the boards don’t change at all.
And yet I keep walking…
Behind there’s betrayal, fear and unknowns.
The bridge that was holding us together
Is now responsible for keeping us apart.
And yet I keep walking….
This path is leading somewhere
I’m told this crisis will end.
My eyes, heart and soul are still shattered. The loss is a searing pain.
There’s a thought from a friend that it’s not happening to us, but for us. I don’t know where I’m at with that.
But giving up is not an option. I will not let abandonment breathe again.
I’ve learnt that Grief takes as long as it takes.
And Dancing will come when it comes.
Hope is a whisper deep inside and
I’m still believing there’s a better end.
And so I keep walking….