Finding your Purpose: a journey of Rediscovery

Purpose is like the breath of life. For some, it could be more the breadth, depth, and width of life. We often think most about our purpose when we are struggling: as a teenager wondering what job we will do or which university course to take; when we become dissatisfied with our job, career direction, or course; and when we suffer trauma or health issues and lose the role we loved. I’ve been through all three, and the worst was the latter. When you finally find that role that fits you like a glove, you’re passionate about it, you love going to work, being part of the team, and then everything is taken from beneath you. Not only have I experienced it, but I’ve also witnessed and stood beside thousands of emergency services and Defence personnel going through this change once labelled ‘hurt on duty’ then medically discharged. How do we recover from this loss? Not only the loss of something we loved but the loss of our mental health, physical health, passion, drive, and purpose.

One thing I discovered on my journey is that my purpose was never truly lost; it just needed a new way to be expressed. It will certainly be different, and once we accept that, opportunities start to arise. Throughout my life, my purpose has always been education, motivational speaking, and supporting others to be their best. After my time in the police and navy, I found that my drive, passion, and purpose were still thriving. I just had to find the right avenue within my limitations.

After you decide to move forward, what happens next is truly amazing. It’s like the shifting forces of nature were engulfing your whole being beforehand. Most days felt like you were trying to move in the opposite direction through a massive windstorm. Then, the day it all becomes too much, sand flickers into your eyes, disabling your sight, and you feel totally exhausted—physically, mentally, and emotionally. It seems impossible to go on. At this point, we have a choice: give up or keep battling. But there is another choice. Let go. Let go of everything we are holding on to tightly. Allow the storm to pass. Rest our mind and body, then start working on the root cause slowly and steadily. Yes, it’s hard work, but the result is amazing. Things in life start to align again. We feel more connected to life, to friends, to nature, to the world! Indeed, we feel alive! We are survivors, becoming people who can empower others to reach that amazing place too.

Discover Your Purpose

Feeling lost or unsure about your purpose? Check out our feature article of the month on finding your purpose for more insights and inspiration. Ready to take the next step? Use Dr Mel Baker’s purpose-determining tool to uncover your unique path and start living a more fulfilling life today.

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