illness to wellness

Struggling with being mentally unwell is one thing and then when your body cannot stand it anymore, the physical illness signs start to show, especially if you are fighting against your mental health and not doing the best things you can to avoid stress.

I was certainly one of those people. I was under a great deal of stress and trauma for 6 months before I finally told someone. By the time I did, I was thrown in all sorts of directions and work in the navy didn’t help my cause. They kept me in the same place for 18 months where the triggers from the trauma existed strongly and my body couldn’t cope. Daily I was led to jumping off the edge.

I certainly understand looking back why my body withered away – inflammatory diseases, arthritis, hypertension, stacked on weight, most likely because I was drinking far too much to cope with the trauma and numb. So I wasn’t helping myself either and it took many years to accept this and take on the responsibility of my health.

I learned the more we can accept, the more we can take courage in taking that step forward. In going forwards, and not stopping, means we can find the best avenues towards recovery or living with the conditions we have. It is a balance. I still hold victory in my mind that one day I will be healed, but at the same time in knowledge of living with my mental and physical health conditions that I do what is best for me in this moment. That is all I can ever ask.

In finding balance, I have found that if I complete something I am passionate about in each of these areas on a daily basis, then I am doing okay.

Broken to Open

Fragmented pieces of life float away. My brokenness. They are like boomerangs. The more I want the pieces to be lost, the more they will come back to haunt.

Fragile cracks form. Lightening explodes. Black & white. Fire erupts. Colour embedded. I need to walk the path ahead. Feel the fear. Touch the pieces as they drift by.

My openness seeks to soar. To find my objectivity. To speak of words that will empower. To free oneself from the chains that bind. I know too well this path. I travel on the spectrum of life moving forward, to find myself two steps behind.

A journey begins.

© 2019 Mel Baker, Fear Walking, digital art

Life is a spectrum

Have you ever felt so sad nothing could cheer you up? It’s like someone has sat on you, then sucked out all life.

Have you ever felt broken? It’s like every part of you is scattered into millions of pieces.

Have you ever felt trapped? It’s like the very person you know within you melts away each day as hot sun liquefies a glacier.

Have you ever felt open or somewhere in-between?

Life is a spectrum: broken to open